he's still mine, and I love him

Thursday, December 11, 2014

Those were the days. Siena. Young motherhood. The palio horses coming.

That boy is a man. He's nearly a month into his new job. He's Google Adwording and writing web copy and building new marketing strategies and laying out the demographics for products, and frankly:

I can't do any of what he does. Don't know the terms. Probably couldn't pass the tests.

I'm just here to listen, and frankly:

I am head over heels, just as I was all the years ago.


Tina Hudak said...

Ditto. I just wished my boys could still fit on my lap, and I could still kiss the bottoms of their tiny feet!

Dana said...

Oh this is lovely, and bittersweet. I will now go attacky three year old with hugs and kisses, which he already (!) wipes off.

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